Thursday 18 February 2021

Letters Never Sent IV


To recap, as of 21st August, 2014, I adopted the practice of saying exactly what I felt needed to be said when engaging with others through social media, and then not saying it, deleting the words I'd written in the comment box, the email or whatever, having copied them to a notebook document on my word processor. This, I find, has saved a lot of arguments because it gets it out of my system without my having to point out that the person with whom I am attempting communication is full of shit. It also leaves the other party free to continue subscribing to whatever bollocks inspired my response. I've taken great pleasure in composing some of the responses which follow and find many of them entertaining in their own right. You may disagree. Too bad. It's been a quiet week. You'll read it and be thankful.

I didn't like the Tory party when they were shitting directly into my open mouth and then sending me a bill for it, and I don't like the fuckers now.


Hooray. The two sappiest things I loathe more than anything else once again combined into a twinkly Kinkade-esque whole by holding a flashlight beneath ones chin whilst listening to a Cure record (and not the good one either, which was Faith, by the way). This could only be improved by the addition of a soundtrack by Murray Gold.


Clearly I had my wires crossed, for which I apologise. In the event of my detecting a slightly defensive tone here, I might remind you of occasionally sweeping statements you have yourself made about Americans with guns, with particular emphasis on Texas (as I recall, you told me I was misinformed, despite my actually living here).


Yes I know Adolf has a lot of detractors but goddammit will you just look at what that no good Goebbels is doing for a second. The man described drinking bleach as an interesting idea, and I've watched the clip and no, he wasn't joking. He said it because he's a moron and was genuinely impressed at having had a thought, which was still a bad thing last time I looked - not simply a different state of mind. He's not qualified to look after an elementary class let alone a country because he's a moron. He doesn't understand basic stuff. I don't get what extenuating circumstances mean that this doesn't have to be the end of the argument. For what it's worth I don't really trust any of them, but having one who can at least tie his own shoelaces would seem preferable. Please pardon my admittedly indirect response.


Poot was the only one I liked, to be honest, and the only one which didn't feel like a Viz cash-in to me, and Jon Marks remains my all-time favourite cartoonist for that sort of thing, above even the Viz kids. If Viz was the Beano then Poot was Buttons. All I can remember of Brain Damage was Everard Headbutt or something like that.


I have no problem with the guy, just that one particular book because it's crap, lazy and features emo Time Lord teenagers just like Buffy on the telly, among other boringly obvious things, the sins of which may well have been down to Anghelides for all I know (although if they were, I guess Cole didn't see them as sins); and I probably tend to overreact due to all those years wasted on Gallifrey Base getting into arguments with idiots who can't tell the difference between writing and merely having a particular logo on the cover. Favourite example, in the Who books section a few years ago regarding Señor 105:

I'm curious, but aren't they a bit pulpy?

What the fuck? You mean as distinct from all those Schopenhauer-esque adventures of that mysterious traveller in time and space known only as blah blah blah? This is why I avoid anything describing itself as fandom, and particularly forums.


As a resident of Texas, I've been suffering from hero-overload for a while now. Sorry to hear it's happening over there too.


Most of the comments relating to the murder of George Floyd I've seen thus far this morning seem to be thoughts and prayers for the guy who owns Target, so I'm shutting up about it from this point on because it's clearly a waste of time. If you're sat there feeling upset about the welfare of millionaires, then there's no reason for us to know each other.


Ah yes, the bunch a certain self-important Who twat and professional north described as charming before flapping off to post about writing She Ra fan fiction and making it as gay as possible, apparently so as to teach me a lesson for describing Bronies as a bunch of arseholes due to my being a fully grown man.


Also, the logic of I'm now definitely going to vote for Trump because some libtards/snowflakes/lefties called me names on facebook suggests, Maria, that you probably shouldn't be left in care of animals or children, let alone anywhere near a voting booth. Perhaps if you make some effort to achieve cognitive abilities closer to those of an adult, you might find life not only easier but a lot less frustrating and be less inclined to lash out at strangers as you've done here. You're welcome.


I respectfully suggest there are many, many reasons why people dislike, even loathe Trump which, to dismiss as hatred or even media brainwashing is 1) somewhat insulting and 2) additionally suggests a fairly basic inability to understand either people as a whole or any findings which conflict with one's worldview.


I've never been wild about the north of England, I'm afraid - excepting a few stretches of breathtaking landscape. Every single day I've spent north of Birmingham has been characterised by people telling me how down to earth and friendly they are, over and over, and how much they hate everyone from the south (too fancy, unfriendly etc. etc.). It's the only place I've ever been where people introduce and then immediately volunteer information about themselves like characters in Chigley. My name is PC Scuffer and I like to arrest people and put them in jail.


I'm sceptical. Had they ever done so much as bought a Medway hamburger to share between the four of them I'm sure they would have been mentioned on every third page of that book about music in Medway, the one which mentions Tim Webster once and the Libertines about a million times.


I must admit I was sceptical of your statements here, Mike, but having looked at your page and seen the flags - the ISIS one in flames and the confederate thing, I realise that you're a man who thinks for himself, who looks beyond the headlines, and who follows no leader but the truth. What food for thought you have provided here today.



A lot of this seems difficult to predict, but these are as good as guesses as any, I'm sure. One element which I don't know whether you're really seeing over there, is the sheer level of contempt for Trump which seems very much out in the open and widespread in a way which it hasn't been during the last four years. Even Fox News has been giving him funny looks from time to time.


For fuck's sake, equating Stalinism with Marx is like equating Hitler with Darwin, even though I appreciate that it's nice because it fits the argument wherein Nazis somehow aren't the bad guys. Where in Das Kapital does Marx propose an upside down hierarchy? (and God how that sounds like something a nine-year old would come out with, see also reverse vampires). The idea is akin to Hitler cackling over how evil he's been. Books and angry nutters ranting on YouTube channels are not the same thing.


I know. That's why I'm not an advocate of everyone having guns just because, or even anyone necessarily having guns. You asked a question so I answered in conversational spirit. I didn't realise there would be homework too.


Nothing more Texas than being run off the road by a big beautiful pick-up because some yahoo just can't get from A to B without doing it in something that's fifteen foot wide resembling a super-inflated child's toy that should probably have a twenty foot bright green bunny sticking up from the rear to go with those cute fat tyres designed for off-roading but which mostly just take our boy down to the store for another case of fizzy kid's drink beer.


While being reluctant to stir anything up, I had a look at his page upon which 1) he's now crowing about having been unfriended, because apparently that means he was right, and 2) he gives his location as King's Lynn, Norfolk, which tells me everything else I need to know about the guy.


Someone once submitted my name in the fan art category of the Hugo Awards. I'm not sure I've actually spoken to him since.

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